
Instant Pot Greek Yogurt

By: AEC Heather | 0 Comments | | Category: Gluten Free, Recipes

From the moment I got my Instant Pot, I’ve been a fan. So when I learned to to yogurt, it made me love it even more. Being able to make high quality greek yogurt for 1/10th of the price of store bought is amazing. You must try it!! Rapsberry is ... more

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Zesty Italian Tilapia and Riced Cauliflower Couscous

By: AEC Heather | 0 Comments | | Category: Gluten Free, Recipes

I have to confess… I hate fish. There I said it. HOWEVER, this tilapia is the only fish I will eat outside of a fish stick. This is one of my husband’s favorite tilapia recipes of all times, and since it’s actually quite tasty, I don’t mind. So easy and ... more

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Chocolate Chip Banana Bars/Muffins

By: AEC Heather | 0 Comments | | Category: Desserts, Gluten Free, Recipes

Do you have some over ripe bananas on your counter that you have no idea what to do with? Do this. DO. THIS. I place these in my pastry dome and my picky kids devour these within 24 hours. Seriously. Best ever. #BananaRecipes #Glutenfreerecipes #adventuresineverydaycooking more

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Stuffed Pepper Skillet

By: AEC Heather | 2 Comments | | Category: Get it together and go, Gluten Free, Recipes

This stuffed pepper skillet is one of my comfort foods. When we have an overabundance of garden veggies, THIS at least twice a week. It’s so good. So healthy (well if you just ignore the cheese and pork— totally) and so comforting. It’s a crowd pleaser! Thank you for watching! ... more

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